Nicola Sims
producer | production manager

My experience of over 20 years in production spans everything from low budget commercials and promos, through to multi-million pound World Cup Campaigns filmed in several continents.
Locations around the world have included USA, Canada, Mexico, India,Taiwan,Thailand, Czech Republic, Italy, Egypt, Sweden,Tunisia, South Africa, Romania, Hungary, Ireland, Greece, Japan, Ukraine, extensively within Spain, and of course throughout England and Scotland. I have worked on numerous jobs in New York and LA, and for many American clients in the UK.
Throughout my career I have had extensive experience working with stunts, wirework, food and drink styling, stills, children, animals (from owls to bears and everything in between), A-list celebrities, fashion, sports, automotive, choreography, plus tracking vehicles, drones, helicopters, animatronics, puppets and both in camera FX and VFX heavy shoots.
Career highlights have included shutting down the freeway in LA for a driving stunt, filming helicopter to helicopter around the Statue of Liberty and persuading the Egyptian authorities to release our camera kit from unwarranted detention!